Imagine Conference

Header File for LPC2294 and GNU GCC?

Started by "claus.meyer73" March 7, 2007

has anyone a header file for the LPC2294 that i can use with Eclipse
and GNU GCC?

Thank you... Claus

An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

--- In l..., "claus.meyer73" wrote:
> Hello,
> has anyone a header file for the LPC2294 that i can use with Eclipse
> and GNU GCC?
> Thank you... Claus

You could try the GNUARM website->files and look under "support files".

Thank you!


is the correct file. :-)


--- In l..., "spooke916" wrote:
> --- In l..., "claus.meyer73" wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > has anyone a header file for the LPC2294 that i can use with Eclipse
> > and GNU GCC?
> >
> > Thank you... Claus
> > You could try the GNUARM website->files and look under "support files".
> Cheers!
#define BCFG0 (*((volatile unsigned int *)
0xFFE00000)) /* lpc22xx only */
#define BCFG1 (*((volatile unsigned int *)
0xFFE00004)) /* lpc22xx only */
#define BCFG2 (*((volatile unsigned int *)
0xFFE00008)) /* lpc22xx only */
#define BCFG3 (*((volatile unsigned int *)
0xFFE0000C)) /* lpc22xx only */

/* External Interrupts */
#define EXTINT (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE01FC140))
#define EXTWAKE (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE01FC144))
#define EXTMODE (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE01FC148)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define EXTPOLAR (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE01FC14C)) /* no in lpc210x*/

/* SMemory mapping control. */
#define MEMMAP (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE01FC040))

/* Phase Locked Loop (PLL) */
#define PLLCON (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE01FC080))
#define PLLCFG (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE01FC084))
#define PLLSTAT (*((volatile unsigned short*) 0xE01FC088))
#define PLLFEED (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE01FC08C))

/* Power Control */
#define PCON (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE01FC0C0))
#define PCONP (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE01FC0C4))

/* VPB Divider */
#define VPBDIV (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE01FC100))

/* Memory Accelerator Module (MAM) */
#define MAMCR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE01FC000))
#define MAMTIM (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE01FC004))

/* Vectored Interrupt Controller (VIC) */
#define VICIRQStatus (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF000))
#define VICFIQStatus (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF004))
#define VICRawIntr (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF008))
#define VICIntSelect (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF00C))
#define VICIntEnable (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF010))
#define VICIntEnClr (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF014))
#define VICSoftInt (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF018))
#define VICSoftIntClear (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF01C))
#define VICProtection (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF020))
#define VICVectAddr (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF030))
#define VICDefVectAddr (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF034))
#define VICVectAddr0 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF100))
#define VICVectAddr1 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF104))
#define VICVectAddr2 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF108))
#define VICVectAddr3 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF10C))
#define VICVectAddr4 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF110))
#define VICVectAddr5 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF114))
#define VICVectAddr6 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF118))
#define VICVectAddr7 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF11C))
#define VICVectAddr8 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF120))
#define VICVectAddr9 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF124))
#define VICVectAddr10 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF128))
#define VICVectAddr11 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF12C))
#define VICVectAddr12 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF130))
#define VICVectAddr13 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF134))
#define VICVectAddr14 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF138))
#define VICVectAddr15 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF13C))
#define VICVectCntl0 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF200))
#define VICVectCntl1 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF204))
#define VICVectCntl2 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF208))
#define VICVectCntl3 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF20C))
#define VICVectCntl4 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF210))
#define VICVectCntl5 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF214))
#define VICVectCntl6 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF218))
#define VICVectCntl7 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF21C))
#define VICVectCntl8 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF220))
#define VICVectCntl9 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF224))
#define VICVectCntl10 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF228))
#define VICVectCntl11 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF22C))
#define VICVectCntl12 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF230))
#define VICVectCntl13 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF234))
#define VICVectCntl14 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF238))
#define VICVectCntl15 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xFFFFF23C))

/* Pin Connect Block */
#define PINSEL0 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE002C000))
#define PINSEL1 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE002C004))
#define PINSEL2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE002C014)) /* no in lpc210x*/

/* General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) */
#define IOPIN (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028000)) /* lpc210x only */
#define IOSET (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028004)) /* lpc210x only */
#define IODIR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028008)) /* lpc210x only */
#define IOCLR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE002800C)) /* lpc210x only */

#define IO0PIN (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028000)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define IO0SET (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028004)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define IO0DIR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028008)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define IO0CLR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE002800C)) /* no in lpc210x*/

#define IO1PIN (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028010)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define IO1SET (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028014)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define IO1DIR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028018)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define IO1CLR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE002801C)) /* no in lpc210x*/

#define IO2PIN (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028020)) /* lpc22xx only */
#define IO2SET (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028024)) /* lpc22xx only */
#define IO2DIR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028028)) /* lpc22xx only */
#define IO2CLR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE002802C)) /* lpc22xx only */

#define IO3PIN (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028030)) /* lpc22xx only */
#define IO3SET (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028034)) /* lpc22xx only */
#define IO3DIR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0028038)) /* lpc22xx only */
#define IO3CLR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE002803C)) /* lpc22xx only */

/* Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 0 (UART0) */
#define U0RBR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE000C000))
#define U0THR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE000C000))
#define U0IER (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE000C004))
#define U0IIR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE000C008))
#define U0FCR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE000C008))
#define U0LCR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE000C00C))
#define U0LSR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE000C014))
#define U0SCR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE000C01C))
#define U0DLL (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE000C000))
#define U0DLM (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE000C004))

/* Universal Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter 1 (UART1) */
#define U1RBR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0010000))
#define U1THR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0010000))
#define U1IER (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0010004))
#define U1IIR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0010008))
#define U1FCR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0010008))
#define U1LCR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE001000C))
#define U1MCR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0010010))
#define U1LSR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0010014))
#define U1MSR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0010018))
#define U1SCR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE001001C))
#define U1DLL (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0010000))
#define U1DLM (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0010004))

/* I2C (8/16 bit data bus) */
#define I2CONSET (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE001C000))
#define I2STAT (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE001C004))
#define I2DAT (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE001C008))
#define I2ADR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE001C00C))
#define I2SCLH (*((volatile unsigned short *) 0xE001C010))
#define I2SCLL (*((volatile unsigned short *) 0xE001C014))
#define I2CONCLR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE001C018))

/* SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface) */
/* only for lpc210x*/
#define SPI_SPCR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0020000))
#define SPI_SPSR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0020004))
#define SPI_SPDR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0020008))
#define SPI_SPCCR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE002000C))
#define SPI_SPINT (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE002001C))

#define S0PCR (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE0020000)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define S0PSR (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE0020004)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define S0PDR (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE0020008)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define S0PCCR (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE002000C)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define S0PINT (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE002001C)) /* no in lpc210x*/

#define S1PCR (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE0030000)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define S1PSR (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE0030004)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define S1PDR (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE0030008)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define S1PCCR (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE003000C)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define S1PINT (*((volatile unsigned char *)
0xE003001C)) /* no in lpc210x*/

#define CAN1MOD (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044000)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1CMR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044004)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1GSR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044008)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1ICR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004400C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1IER (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044010)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1BTR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044014)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1EWL (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004401C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1SR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044020)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1RFS (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044024)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1RDA (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044028)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1RDB (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004402C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TFI1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044030)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TID1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044034)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TDA1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044038)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TDB1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004403C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TFI2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044040)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TID2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044044)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TDA2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044048)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TDB2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004404C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TFI3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044050)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TID3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044054)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TDA3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0044058)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN1TDB3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004405C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */

#define CAN2MOD (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048000)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2CMR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048004)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2GSR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048008)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2ICR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004800C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2IER (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048010)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2BTR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048014)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2EWL (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004801C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2SR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048020)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2RFS (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048024)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2RDA (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048028)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2RDB (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004802C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TFI1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048030)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TID1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048034)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TDA1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048038)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TDB1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004803C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TFI2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048040)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TID2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048044)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TDA2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048048)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TDB2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004804C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TFI3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048050)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TID3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048054)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TDA3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0048058)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN2TDB3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004805C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */

#define CAN3MOD (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C000)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3CMR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C004)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3GSR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C008)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3ICR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C00C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3IER (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C010)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3BTR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C014)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3EWL (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C01C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3SR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C020)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3RFS (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C024)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3RDA (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C028)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3RDB (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C02C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TFI1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C030)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TID1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C034)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TDA1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C038)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TDB1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C03C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TFI2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C040)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TID2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C044)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TDA2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C048)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TDB2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C04C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TFI3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C050)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TID3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C054)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TDA3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C058)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN3TDB3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE004C05C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */

#define CAN4MOD (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050000)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4CMR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050004)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4GSR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050008)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4ICR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005000C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4IER (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050010)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4BTR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050014)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4EWL (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005001C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4SR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050020)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4RFS (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050024)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4RDA (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050028)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4RDB (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005002C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TFI1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050030)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TID1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050034)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TDA1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050038)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TDB1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005003C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TFI2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050040)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TID2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050044)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TDA2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050048)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TDB2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005004C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TFI3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050050)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TID3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050054)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TDA3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0050058)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN4TDB3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005005C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */

#define CAN5MOD (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054000)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5CMR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054004)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5GSR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054008)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5ICR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005400C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5IER (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054010)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5BTR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054014)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5EWL (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005401C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5SR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054020)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5RFS (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054024)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5RDA (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054028)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5RDB (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005402C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TFI1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054030)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TID1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054034)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TDA1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054038)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TDB1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005403C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TFI2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054040)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TID2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054044)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TDA2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054048)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TDB2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005404C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TFI3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054050)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TID3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054054)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TDA3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0054058)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN5TDB3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005405C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */

#define CAN6MOD (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058000)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6CMR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058004)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6GSR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058008)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6ICR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005800C)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6IER (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058010)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6BTR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058014)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6EWL (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005801C)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6SR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058020)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6RFS (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058024)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6RDA (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058028)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6RDB (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005802C)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TFI1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058030)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TID1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058034)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TDA1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058038)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TDB1 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005803C)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TFI2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058040)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TID2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058044)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TDA2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058048)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TDB2 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005804C)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TFI3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058050)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TID3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058054)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TDA3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0058058)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CAN6TDB3 (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE005805C)) /* lpc2292\lpc2294 only */

#define CANTxSR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0040000)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CANRxSR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0040004)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CANMSR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0040008)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */

#define CANAFMR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE003C000)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CANSFF_sa (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE003C004)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CANSFF_GRP_sa (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE003C008)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CANEFF_sa (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE003C00C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CANEFF_GRP_sa (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE003C010)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CANENDofTable (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE003C014)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CANLUTerrAd (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE003C018)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
#define CANLUTerr (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE003C01C)) /* lpc2119\lpc2129\lpc2292\lpc2294 only */
/* CAN Acceptance Filter RAM */
#define CANAFRAM (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0038000))
/* Timer 0 */
#define T0IR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004000))
#define T0TCR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004004))
#define T0TC (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004008))
#define T0PR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE000400C))
#define T0PC (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004010))
#define T0MCR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004014))
#define T0MR0 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004018))
#define T0MR1 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE000401C))
#define T0MR2 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004020))
#define T0MR3 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004024))
#define T0CCR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004028))
#define T0CR0 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE000402C))
#define T0CR1 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004030))
#define T0CR2 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004034))
#define T0CR3 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0004038))
#define T0EMR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE000403C))

/* Timer 1 */
#define T1IR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008000))
#define T1TCR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008004))
#define T1TC (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008008))
#define T1PR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE000800C))
#define T1PC (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008010))
#define T1MCR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008014))
#define T1MR0 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008018))
#define T1MR1 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE000801C))
#define T1MR2 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008020))
#define T1MR3 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008024))
#define T1CCR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008028))
#define T1CR0 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE000802C))
#define T1CR1 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008030))
#define T1CR2 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008034))
#define T1CR3 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0008038))
#define T1EMR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE000803C))

/* Pulse Width Modulator (PWM) */
#define PWMIR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014000))
#define PWMTCR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014004))
#define PWMTC (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014008))
#define PWMPR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE001400C))
#define PWMPC (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014010))
#define PWMMCR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014014))
#define PWMMR0 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014018))
#define PWMMR1 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE001401C))
#define PWMMR2 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014020))
#define PWMMR3 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014024))
#define PWMMR4 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014040))
#define PWMMR5 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014044))
#define PWMMR6 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014048))
#define PWMPCR (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE001404C))
#define PWMLER (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0014050))

#define ADCR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0034000)) /* no in lpc210x*/
#define ADDR (*((volatile unsigned long *)
0xE0034004)) /* no in lpc210x*/

/* Real Time Clock */
#define ILR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024000))
#define CTC (*((volatile unsigned short*) 0xE0024004))
#define CCR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024008))
#define CIIR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE002400C))
#define AMR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024010))
#define CTIME0 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0024014))
#define CTIME1 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0024018))
#define CTIME2 (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE002401C))
#define SEC (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024020))
#define MIN (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024024))
#define HOUR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024028))
#define DOM (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE002402C))
#define DOW (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024030))
#define DOY (*((volatile unsigned short*) 0xE0024034))
#define MONTH (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024038))
#define YEAR (*((volatile unsigned short*) 0xE002403C))
#define ALSEC (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024060))
#define ALMIN (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024064))
#define ALHOUR (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024068))
#define ALDOM (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE002406C))
#define ALDOW (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024070))
#define ALDOY (*((volatile unsigned short*) 0xE0024074))
#define ALMON (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0024078))
#define ALYEAR (*((volatile unsigned short*) 0xE002407C))
#define PREINT (*((volatile unsigned short*) 0xE0024080))
#define PREFRAC (*((volatile unsigned short*) 0xE0024084))

/* Watchdog */
#define WDMOD (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0000000))
#define WDTC (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE0000004))
#define WDFEED (*((volatile unsigned char *) 0xE0000008))
#define WDTV (*((volatile unsigned long *) 0xE000000C))
** End Of File

Imagine Conference