Imagine Conference

LPC214x vs LPC213x

Started by mgra...@ess-us.com July 28, 2006
I'm working on a design with an LPC2148. However, the LPC2148 has a long
lead-time in the US. So I'm going to use a LPC2138 until the LPC2148 is
ready. The obvious difference is the loss of the USB interface. The rest
of the device appears to be electrically and software wise the same.
(The LPC2138 does have two 10-bit DACs instead of one on the LPC2148).

Any other problems or issues dropping in the LPC2138 in place of the


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

Fast GPIO feature is only available in lpc214x family.


--- In l..., mgray@... wrote:
> I'm working on a design with an LPC2148. However, the LPC2148 has a
> lead-time in the US. So I'm going to use a LPC2138 until the LPC2148 is
> ready. The obvious difference is the loss of the USB interface.
The rest
> of the device appears to be electrically and software wise the same.
> (The LPC2138 does have two 10-bit DACs instead of one on the LPC2148).
> Any other problems or issues dropping in the LPC2138 in place of the
> LPC2148?
> Thanks
--- In l..., mgray@... wrote:
> I'm working on a design with an LPC2148. However, the LPC2148 has a
> lead-time in the US. So I'm going to use a LPC2138 until the LPC2148 is
> ready. The obvious difference is the loss of the USB interface.
The rest
> of the device appears to be electrically and software wise the same.
> (The LPC2138 does have two 10-bit DACs instead of one on the LPC2148).
> Any other problems or issues dropping in the LPC2138 in place of the
> LPC2148?
> Thanks

Yes there are other differences

The fast ports, a feature that is new on the LPC214x, enables much
faster bit toggeling.

by the way, the LPC2148 has 2 ADCs as well, there are just 2 inputs
missing on one of the ADCs. So instead of 2x8 inputs on the LPC2138
you get 1x8 + 1x6 inputs on the LPC2148.

To check other differences, you can compare the Errata Sheet. It is
more Erratas on the LPC2138


Imagine Conference