Imagine Conference

Wiggler and Keil

Started by vineet jain December 26, 2005
Hello everyone,
Can i hardware debug my code using Wiggler with Keil, or it only works with Ulink.


An Engineer's Guide to the LPC2100 Series

keil does no support wiggler.it supports ulink and
--- vineet jain <vineetrvce@vine...> wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Can i hardware debug my code using Wiggler
> with Keil, or it only works with Ulink.
> Regards,
> Vineet. >
> __________________________________________________
> [Non-text portions of this message have been
> removed]

Yahoo! DSL Something to write home about.
Just $16.99/mo. or less.

vineet jain wrote:

> Hello everyone,
> Can i hardware debug my code using Wiggler with Keil, or it
> only works with Ulink.
> Regards,
> Vineet.

Yes you can. If you read russian or chinese, there is alot of info
about it.

--- In lpc2000@lpc2..., vineet jain <vineetrvce@y...> wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> Can i hardware debug my code using Wiggler with Keil, or it
only works with Ulink.

I found yesterday this web site: http://twentyone.blogchina.com/
this guy with nick twentyone works on this RDI support for Wiggler
since year 2004 (the first project was called X-JTAG) and his last
release is made very recently 20/12/2005.
I'm going to check if it works with our ARM-JTAG today, if it works
this means our ARM-JTAG (Wiggler) finally will be supported by all
debuggers who have RDI1.51 support, there are instruction how to
config Keil, IAR, STD, ADS to work with his DLL.
The best of all is that the source is opened and can be downloaded
freely from this web so support for other hardware can be implemented

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all LPC2000 members!

PCB prototypes for $26 at http://run.to/pcb
PCB any volume assembly (http://www.olimex.com/pcb/protoa.html)
Development boards for ARM, AVR, PIC, MAXQ2000 and MSP430

> I found yesterday this web site: http://twentyone.blogchina.com/
> this guy with nick twentyone works on this RDI support for Wiggler
> since year 2004 (the first project was called X-JTAG) and his last
> release is made very recently 20/12/2005.

Running through Google Translate:
http://tinyurl.com/8agcf Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!


--- In lpc2000@lpc2..., "tsvetanusunov" <tusunov@m...> wrote:
> I found yesterday this web site: http://twentyone.blogchina.com/
> this guy with nick twentyone works on this RDI support for Wiggler
> since year 2004 (the first project was called X-JTAG) and his last
> release is made very recently 20/12/2005.
> I'm going to check if it works with our ARM-JTAG today, if it works
> this means our ARM-JTAG (Wiggler) finally will be supported by all
> debuggers who have RDI1.51 support, there are instruction how to
> config Keil, IAR, STD, ADS to work with his DLL.
> The best of all is that the source is opened and can be downloaded
> freely from this web so support for other hardware can be implemented
> easily.
> Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all LPC2000 members!
> Tsvetan
> ---
> PCB prototypes for $26 at http://run.to/pcb
> (http://www.olimex.com/pcb)
> PCB any volume assembly (http://www.olimex.com/pcb/protoa.html)
> Development boards for ARM, AVR, PIC, MAXQ2000 and MSP430
> (http://www.olimex.com/dev)

Tsvetan, were you able to get H-JTAG to work in your setup?

I followed your link and picked up the software to try out with the
Olimex Wiggler clone that I have. I tried it with two different LPC
chips and just got it's "Unable to find target" error message.
Sometimes it was able to reset the target and sometimes it could not.
It never was able to work with the ARM SDT2.51 debugger.

-- Dave

----- Original Message -----
From: "derbaier" <dershu@ders...>
To: <lpc2000@lpc2...>
Sent: Tuesday, December 27, 2005 11:53 PM
Subject: [lpc2000] Re: Wiggler and Keil > --- In lpc2000@lpc2..., "tsvetanusunov" <tusunov@m...> wrote:
>> I found yesterday this web site: http://twentyone.blogchina.com/
>> this guy with nick twentyone works on this RDI support for Wiggler
>> since year 2004 (the first project was called X-JTAG) and his last
>> release is made very recently 20/12/2005.
>> I'm going to check if it works with our ARM-JTAG today, if it works
>> this means our ARM-JTAG (Wiggler) finally will be supported by all
>> debuggers who have RDI1.51 support, there are instruction how to
>> config Keil, IAR, STD, ADS to work with his DLL.
>> The best of all is that the source is opened and can be downloaded
>> freely from this web so support for other hardware can be implemented
>> easily.
>> Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all LPC2000 members!
>> Tsvetan
>> ---
>> PCB prototypes for $26 at http://run.to/pcb
>> (http://www.olimex.com/pcb)
>> PCB any volume assembly (http://www.olimex.com/pcb/protoa.html)
>> Development boards for ARM, AVR, PIC, MAXQ2000 and MSP430
>> (http://www.olimex.com/dev)
> Tsvetan, were you able to get H-JTAG to work in your setup?
> I followed your link and picked up the software to try out with the
> Olimex Wiggler clone that I have. I tried it with two different LPC
> chips and just got it's "Unable to find target" error message.
> Sometimes it was able to reset the target and sometimes it could not.
> It never was able to work with the ARM SDT2.51 debugger.

If that software has a speed setting, try reducing the speed.


> Tsvetan, were you able to get H-JTAG to work in your setup?
> I followed your link and picked up the software to try out with the
> Olimex Wiggler clone that I have. I tried it with two different LPC
> chips and just got it's "Unable to find target" error message.
> Sometimes it was able to reset the target and sometimes it could not.
> It never was able to work with the ARM SDT2.51 debugger.

the H-JTAG as is will not work with our ARM-JTAG as it doesn't handle
the JTAG-ENABLE pin we have on our JTAG
Our JTAG have the folowing pin assignments:

DB25.2 -> INVERSE -> JTAG.15 (NTRST)
DB25.3 -> JTAG.7 (TMS)
DB25.4 -> JTAG.9 (TCK)
DB25.5 -> JTAG.5 (TDI)
DB26.6 -> JTAG.3 (TRST)
DB26.9 -> VCC for the Level shifter i.e. JTAG enable/disable
DB25.11 <- JTAG.13 (TDO)
DB25.13 <- Target VCC sense (only when JTAG is enabled i.e. DB26.9 = 1)

H-JTAG doesn't set DB26.9 = 1 i.e. doesn't enable the ARM-JTAG, this
can be easily fixed as the source is available.
One of our engineer works on it and I e-mailed twentyone about this.

Best regards
PCB prototypes for $26 at http://run.to/pcb (http://www.olimex.com/pcb)
PCB any volume assembly (http://www.olimex.com/pcb/protoa.html)
Development boards for ARM, AVR, PIC, MAXQ2000 and MSP430

--- In lpc2000@lpc2..., "tsvetanusunov" <tusunov@m...> wrote:
> H-JTAG doesn't set DB26.9 = 1 i.e. doesn't enable the ARM-JTAG, this
> can be easily fixed as the source is available.
> One of our engineer works on it and I e-mailed twentyone about this.
> Best regards
> Tsvetan
> ---
> PCB prototypes for $26 at http://run.to/pcb (http://www.olimex.com/pcb)
> PCB any volume assembly (http://www.olimex.com/pcb/protoa.html)
> Development boards for ARM, AVR, PIC, MAXQ2000 and MSP430
> (http://www.olimex.com/dev)
Thanks very much, Tsvetan!
I hope we learn more about this soon.

-- Dave

This is a message from twentyone from H-JTAG:

H-jtag can set hardware breakpoint in flash area. However, the
inferface of KEIL has some problem. So, I don't recommend you debug
your target using keil and h-jtag. The developer from keil says that
they will handle the problem at about march 2006.I will try to upgrade
h-jtag to support keilafter the problem of keil has been fixed.

Thank you.

--- In lpc2000@lpc2..., "derbaier" <dershu@s...> wrote:
> --- In lpc2000@lpc2..., "tsvetanusunov" <tusunov@m...> wrote:
> ---------------------------SNIP-
> >
> > H-JTAG doesn't set DB26.9 = 1 i.e. doesn't enable the ARM-JTAG, this
> > can be easily fixed as the source is available.
> > One of our engineer works on it and I e-mailed twentyone about this.
> >
> > Best regards
> > Tsvetan
> > ---
> > PCB prototypes for $26 at http://run.to/pcb
> > PCB any volume assembly (http://www.olimex.com/pcb/protoa.html)
> > Development boards for ARM, AVR, PIC, MAXQ2000 and MSP430
> > (http://www.olimex.com/dev)
> >
> Thanks very much, Tsvetan!
> I hope we learn more about this soon.
> -- Dave

Imagine Conference