anyone has ps2 keyboard controller cores?
Started by ●March 31, 2005
can anyone help me ?
i will use it in my project
but i am not sure to write right code in time
so i turn to you
can you help me ?
vhdl is better than in verilog
thanks a lot
Reply by ●April 8, 20052005-04-08
At www.opencores.org there is a ps2 interface in Verilog. If you grab
the System09 project there is a ps2 interface in VHDL.
You will need to add character decoding. Research the codes that are
transmitted for each key stroke. The are 'press' codes and 'release'
codes. Google will help... --- In fpga-cpu@fpga..., "cationebox" <cationebox@y...> wrote:
> can anyone help me ?
> i will use it in my project
> but i am not sure to write right code in time
> so i turn to you
> can you help me ?
> vhdl is better than in verilog
> thanks a lot
Reply by ●April 9, 20052005-04-09
--- In fpga-cpu@fpga..., "cationebox" <cationebox@y...> wrote:
> can anyone help me ?
> i will use it in my project
> but i am not sure to write right code in time
> so i turn to you
> can you help me ?
> vhdl is better than in verilog
> thanks a lot
I have a keyboard controller posted at my website, but it's in verilog.
It's a basic raw controller that just returns scan codes as it
encounters them. It has the advantage that it uses a WISHBONE bus