Imagine Conference

6809 VHDL Core running

Started by John Kent September 5, 2003

For those following the Block RAM saga, the answer seems to
be that I have my clock edges the wrong way round.
I got RAMB4_S8 working as a ROM on
my 6800 design by reversing the clock edges.
I also managed to simulate block RAM by including the
unisim library in the file referencing RAMB4....

Another bit of good news is that I have got a 6809 VHDL
core running the SBUG monitor program on Tony Burch's
B5X300 300K gate Spartan2+.

I have not fully tested it, but initially it is looking quite promising.
I'm using some of the older B3 modules with it.
The code is on my web page:


Its still using slice ROM. I have to reverse the clock edges on
the 6809 design to properly use the RAMB4 modules.



Outstanding! Congratulations!

a former 6809 hacker

Imagine Conference