** I am attempting to get information about the altera bitstream format ** I have already read http://opencollector.org/news/Bitstream/ I wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something, is the information for creating bitstreams for altera cyclone devices publicly available? I would like to create some software akin to JBITS for the altera devices and can't seem to locate the exact format specifications. Ideally one could create designs in other HLLs w/o having to target VHDL or Verilog for synthesis. Having to parse one HLL and convert it into VHDL for synthesis greatly complicates the construction of the tool chain. What process do the altera "partners" have to go through for getting this information? Is it simply an NDA or is there money involved? -- curious george |

altera cyclone bitstream format ?
Started by ●June 23, 2003