Imagine Conference

What are peoples opinion of the Altera Nios Processor?

Started by barrem23 March 17, 2003
What kind of problems have you experienced? How was there support?
If you could do it again would you use the NIOS processor?

We have tried NIOS ver 1.0 ON WIN98.
ver 1.0 was horrible with win98, informed ALTERA
application engineers, but not succussful.
Altera requested to upgrade to MSWIN2000 with NIOS
update version.

The new version is fine and we are happy with it.
Since the is not responding, we have to
get clarifications in debugging c routines.


--- wrote: > What kind of problems have you
experienced? How was
> there support?
> If you could do it again would you use the NIOS
> processor? >
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barrem23 wrote:

>What kind of problems have you experienced?
We had one problem with the VHDL-synthesis-flow.
After synthesis with Synplify, we couldn't place & route with Quartus.
That was because SOPC Builder generated low-level stuff in the VHDL
specifically for your component.
The solution was selecting FLEX components in SOPC Builder.

>How was there support?
An FAE from France helped us out.

>If you could do it again would you use the NIOS processor?
All depends. If you want high performance, choose a seperate processor-IC.
If you have a complex FPGA design, and you have some room left on your
FPGA, choose Nios, Microblaze, Leon Sparc of OpenRisc.
If you're developing a high-volume ASIC. Choose Leon Sparc or OpenRisc.
If you're developing a mid-volume ASIC. Choose Nios or Microblaze on
Cyclone/Spartan or Hardcopy devices.
Maybe even the next generation gate array from Nec or LSI with a Leon
Sparc or OpenRisc.

If you're developing a low-volume ASIC, you live in the past ;-)

>To post a message, send it to:
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>. >

Oooh... good topic for me (and in light of recent list politics, I sure hope
it's interesting to some of you as well :) )

I'll be writing a paper in the next few weeks: a survey of commercially and
freely available 32-bit RISC IP cores.

For the paper, I'm interested in hard and soft cores, but for the future, my
research will require one that I can customize (that is, VHDL or Verilog
available). I'm already looking at LEON for that... but I'd appreciate
input as well.


Josh Pfrimmer, B.Eng

University of Victoria


-----Original Message-----
From: Dries Driessens [mailto:]
Sent: March 17, 2003 11:46 PM
Subject: Re: [fpga-cpu] What are peoples opinion of the Altera Nios
Processor? We had one problem with the VHDL-synthesis-flow.
After synthesis with Synplify, we couldn't place & route with Quartus.
That was because SOPC Builder generated low-level stuff in the VHDL
specifically for your component.
The solution was selecting FLEX components in SOPC Builder.

>How was there support?
An FAE from France helped us out.

>If you could do it again would you use the NIOS processor?
All depends. If you want high performance, choose a seperate processor-IC.
If you have a complex FPGA design, and you have some room left on your
FPGA, choose Nios, Microblaze, Leon Sparc of OpenRisc.
If you're developing a high-volume ASIC. Choose Leon Sparc or OpenRisc.
If you're developing a mid-volume ASIC. Choose Nios or Microblaze on
Cyclone/Spartan or Hardcopy devices.
Maybe even the next generation gate array from Nec or LSI with a Leon
Sparc or OpenRisc.

If you're developing a low-volume ASIC, you live in the past ;-)

> I'll be writing a paper in the next few weeks: a survey of commercially and
> freely available 32-bit RISC IP cores.

Interssting. You may post a link to the paper to this group, when it is ready.

> For the paper, I'm interested in hard and soft cores, but for the future,
> my research will require one that I can customize (that is, VHDL or Verilog
> available). I'm already looking at LEON for that... but I'd appreciate
> input as well.

We used LEON in some project, about a year ago. From the functional point LEON
was ok, it worked well. The good point is, that LEON comes with a
compiler/assembler toolchain that works out-of-the-box. The drawback of LEON
on FPGAs is that it is quite large and pretty slow. We have synthesized LEON
for a Xilinx Virtex XCV800-5, the maximum speed we could reach was about 25
MHz, the design used 3800 slices. I guess, we could have pushed this
somewhat further by floorplanning, but 25 MHz was sufficient performance for
our application. Compared to Microblaze, LEON is much larger and slower, but
comparing them is not really fair, as Microblaze was specifically optimized
for Virtex FPGAs.

Best regards,
Christian Plessl <>
Computer Engineering Lab (TIK), ETH Zurich, Switzerland

> > I'll be writing a paper in the next few weeks: a survey of commercially
> > freely available 32-bit RISC IP cores.
> Interssting. You may post a link to the paper to this group, when it is
> > For the paper, I'm interested in hard and soft cores, but for the
> > my research will require one that I can customize (that is, VHDL or
> > available). I'm already looking at LEON for that... but I'd appreciate
> > input as well.
> We used LEON in some project, about a year ago. From the functional point
> was ok, it worked well. The good point is, that LEON comes with a
> compiler/assembler toolchain that works out-of-the-box. The drawback of
> on FPGAs is that it is quite large and pretty slow. We have synthesized
> for a Xilinx Virtex XCV800-5, the maximum speed we could reach was about
> MHz, the design used 3800 slices. I guess, we could have pushed this
> somewhat further by floorplanning, but 25 MHz was sufficient performance
> our application. Compared to Microblaze, LEON is much larger and slower,
> comparing them is not really fair, as Microblaze was specifically
> for Virtex FPGAs.

A Java Processor is not a classical RISC processor, but as in my
implementation it is a simple stack machine with a very small instruction
set (reduced instruction set :-). It has 47 different instrcutions, all
variations counted. So instructions can be coded in 8 bit WITH some operand.
And it fits in an Altera ACEX 1K50, about 2000 LCs (depends on the periphery
you use) and runns at about 30 MHz in the slowest speed grade.
Did port it two weeks ago to Cyclone (yes a porting was necessary because of
the different embedded memory), and Quartus says it should run at about 80


Martin Schoeberl

Imagine Conference