Imagine Conference

LEON-2 softCore in Altera's Quartus

Started by palomino778 November 28, 2002
Has anyone ever tried to compile the LEON in Altera's Quartus II
software? I'm having some trouble getting everything set up and would
appreciate any pointers.

Though this is not specific to compiling the LEON Core, But the
general problems faced during the compilation of VHDL code in

1. Quartus does not support many of the Behavioural Constructs. So
in case there are any then it will be a sure cause for the

2. Initializing the constants with the another constants declared
earlier causes the problem.

3. It does not display the proper error messages for the input
signals that are sometimes left open or not connected.

4. If the files are arranged in the multiple directories then also
while compiling it creates certain problems. So better put them
together in the single directory.

This is not to discorage U. But just pointers to type of problems
that this software gives. Win 2K is prefered choice for Quratus.

All the Best.

On Thu, 28 Nov 2002 palomino778 wrote :
>Has anyone ever tried to compile the LEON in Altera's Quartus
>software? I'm having some trouble getting everything set up and
>appreciate any pointers. >
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