Imagine Conference

Please help me with the XR-16 design work

Started by Yi Zhang October 15, 2002

Hi, friends, I am doing a design work of assigning as many XR-16 CPUs on a Altera development board to see the performance (the clock cycles of a specific C program).

Those who also do the similiar work of multi-cpu (XR-16) design: please give me your kind advice and share some useful experience. I thought I need a bus arbitrator Verilog HDL program for my design.

Thank you in anticipation.

Contact me: ---------------------------------

> From: Yi Zhang [mailto:]

> Hi, friends, I am doing a design work of assigning as many
> XR-16 CPUs on a Altera development board to see the
> performance (the clock cycles of a specific C program).

I can't offer any specific help.

However, note that xr16 (www.fpgacpu.org/xsoc/xr16.html) is optimized
for Xilinx XC4000E and derivatives. In particular, it uses distributed
select RAM a.k.a. LUT RAM for its 2r1w register file. Without some
rework, I don't think xr16 is a great fit for Altera FPGAs.

If you are targeting Altera, consider Nios
(http://www.altera.com/products/devices/nios/nio-index.html) and the
Nios Dev Kit. I believe it should be possible (and perhaps even easy)
to configure a multiprocessor system using SOPC Builder.

Jan Gray, Gray Research LLC

Imagine Conference