Binary numbers
The C language doesn't handle binary numbers directly but macros can do the job. These macros allow bytes, halfwords, words, and longs to be specified in binary. One warning though. A 64 bit binary number will take up more than an 80 column line!
// The following macros build values in binary. Nybbles are separated by
// commas for readability. If a non-binary digit is used, a compiler error
// will result. Here are some examples of the usage of the binary macros:
// B4 (0110) = 0x06
// B8 (0101,0101) = 0x55
// B16 (1010,1010, 0101,0101) = 0xAA55
// B32 (1000,0000, 1111,1111, 1010,1010, 0101,0101) = 0x80FFAA55
// For maximum readability, the bytes should be separated by spaces and there
// should be no spaces between nybbles, as shown above. Note that an enum
// isn't used because MISRA-C generates errors otherwise.
#define b0000 0u
#define b0001 1u
#define b0010 2u
#define b0011 3u
#define b0100 4u
#define b0101 5u
#define b0110 6u
#define b0111 7u
#define b1000 8u
#define b1001 9u
#define b1010 10u
#define b1011 11u
#define b1100 12u
#define b1101 13u
#define b1110 14u
#define b1111 15u
#pragma diag_suppress = Pm120
#define B4(n0) (b##n0) //!< Build a nybble in binary
#pragma diag_default = Pm120
#define B8(n1, n0) ((B4 (n1) << 4u) | B4 (n0))
//!< Build a byte in binary
#define B16(n3, n2, n1, n0) \
((B4 (n3) << 12) | (B4 (n2) << 8) | (B4 (n1) << 4) | B4 (n0))
//!< Build a halfword in binary
#define B32(n7, n6, n5, n4, n3, n2, n1, n0) \
((B4 (n7) << 28) | (B4 (n6) << 24) | (B4 (n5) << 20) | (B4 (n5) << 16) \
| (B4 (n3) << 12) | (B4 (n2) << 8) | (B4 (n1) << 4) | B4 (n0))
//!< Build a word in binary
#define B64(nF, nE, nD, nC, nB, nA, n9, n8, n7, n6, n5, n4, n3, n2, n1, n0) \
((B4 (nF) << 60) | (B4 (nE) << 56) | (B4 (nD) << 52) | (B4 (nC) << 48) \
| (B4 (nB) << 44) | (B4 (nA) << 40) | (B4 (n9) << 36) | (B4 (n8) << 32) \
| (B4 (n7) << 28) | (B4 (n6) << 24) | (B4 (n5) << 20) | (B4 (n5) << 16) \
| (B4 (n3) << 12) | (B4 (n2) << 8) | (B4 (n1) << 4) | B4 (n0))
//!< Build a long in binary