
RCM3100 interfaced to 12-bit a/d TLC2543

Started by johnny_houlihan in Rabbit-Semi19 years ago 2 replies

Hoping someone might have some info on interfacing a 12-bit a/d converter (TI's TLC2543cn) to the Rabbit RCM3100. Or driver code example. ...

Hoping someone might have some info on interfacing a 12-bit a/d converter (TI's TLC2543cn) to the Rabbit RCM3100. Or driver code example. Thanks Kevin EEng Student.

communication with PC using SlavePort on RCM3100

Started by "weeeedy.1337" in Rabbit-Semi14 years ago 3 replies

i wish to accomplish the following: 1. use my own editor instead of DynamicC 2. then using tools features of my editor to call the...

i wish to accomplish the following: 1. use my own editor instead of DynamicC 2. then using tools features of my editor to call the command-line compiler to compile my code 3. flash the rabbit with the new image 4. attach a simple stdio console using the slave port of the RCM3100 without having to remove the programming cable. 1-3 are easy but i have not enough understanding of the slave p...

Communicating with rcm3100 through serial port component in vb.net

Started by tije...@yahoo.com in Rabbit-Semi15 years ago 2 replies


SGkhDQpJIHdvdWxkIGxpa2UgdG8ga25vdyBob3cgdG8gdXNlIHNlcmlhbCBwb3J0IGNvbXBv bmVudCBpbiB2Yi5uZXQgdG8gY29tbXVuaWNhdGUgd2l0aCBwb3J0IHBpbnMgb24gdGhlIHJh YmJpdCByY20zMTAwPyBGb3IgZXhhbXBsZSwgc2F5IEkgYW0gdXNpbmcgcG9ydCBBIGFuZCBJ IHdvdWxkIGxpa2UgcGluIFBBNSB0byBnbyBsb3cgb3IgaGlnaCwgaG93IGRvIEkgYWNjb21w bGlzaCB0aGlzIHdpdGggdmIubmV0IHNlcmlhbCBwb3J0PyBJIHdlbnQgb3ZlciB0byAiaGVs cCB3aXRoIHZiIGdyb3VwcyIgYnV0IE...

Help RCM3100

Started by paulacalgarin in Rabbit-Semi20 years ago 6 replies

Hi I?m new here. I?m working right now in a program using a RabbitCore 3100, to move a step motor. Does any one have info that can...

Hi I?m new here. I?m working right now in a program using a RabbitCore 3100, to move a step motor. Does any one have info that can help me with my program? Thanks!

Unexpected interrupt error

Started by a s in Rabbit-Semi21 years ago 7 replies

Hello experts! I am working on a?multi tasking system?which is using ucosii on RCM3100 core. I have 10 tasks using? 9 os_events. when i run my...

Hello experts! I am working on a?multi tasking system?which is using ucosii on RCM3100 core. I have 10 tasks using? 9 os_events. when i run my program i got this message from dynamic c. ? Unexpected interrupt file: line:0 ? Any on has some idea about it ? Regards Alain

Reading from Parallel Ports using Dynamic C?

Started by bradrekk in Rabbit-Semi20 years ago 6 replies

Hello Everyone, I'm new to the group and fairly new to using the Rabbit Microprocessor and Microprocessors in general. I am using...

Hello Everyone, I'm new to the group and fairly new to using the Rabbit Microprocessor and Microprocessors in general. I am using the RabbitCore RCM3100 with a prototyping board. I am having difficulty reading from the ports. I tried to see if they had a simple example in the examples that came with the Dynamic C environment, but there is

Battery backup

Started by Mike van Meeteren in Rabbit-Semi20 years ago 1 reply

All, I would appreciate it if someone at Rabbit Semiconductor could answer this question: What voltage is required at the VBAT pin...

All, I would appreciate it if someone at Rabbit Semiconductor could answer this question: What voltage is required at the VBAT pin on a RCM3000 or RCM3100 core to keep the clock functioning and the battery backed ram working? I talked to someone in tech support who was not very useful in helping me narrow the answer down. He e-mailed me a

Low-Power RCM3000 vs RCM3110

Started by vlaa...@... in Rabbit-Semi19 years ago 2 replies

Hi all, We have done some testing on the power consumption of a RCM3100 module with the R3000 processor and the RCM3110 with the R3000A....

Hi all, We have done some testing on the power consumption of a RCM3100 module with the R3000 processor and the RCM3110 with the R3000A. The test program runs at 32kHz divide by 16 and runs an endless loop reading the clock (DC8.01) : #asm start: copied_the_read_rtc_code_here_to_avoid_using_a_call_instruction_which_a

Rabbit 4000/5000 and Large Amounts of Memory

Started by lixpaulian in Rabbit-Semi15 years ago 6 replies

Hi guys, We are evaluating several solutions for a new iteration of one of our existing projects (over 1000 units based on the RCM3100 are...

Hi guys, We are evaluating several solutions for a new iteration of one of our existing projects (over 1000 units based on the RCM3100 are already in field). But among various ARM7/9 solutions we are evaluating, we have not completely given up on the Rabbits. A possible solution would be to use the R4000 on a custom designed board; however, based on the current application it is obvious that...

Basic I/O setup for RCM 3100

Started by mits in Rabbit-Semi13 years ago 4 replies

Hi, everyone. I am trying to setup Parallel Ports A and F of an RCM3100 as byte-wide input ports. I write their corresponding register's values...

Hi, everyone. I am trying to setup Parallel Ports A and F of an RCM3100 as byte-wide input ports. I write their corresponding register's values with WrPortI() function. Afterwards, I check with RdPortI() and find out that only the Shadow's value was updated. I tried applying a 3.6v input into any one of the pins of PA and PF, and only PF is correctly functioning as an input port. I verified ...

Port B for RS232

Started by M G in Rabbit-Semi17 years ago 5 replies

Hello, I am using RCM3100. I am able to send characters from Rabbit and view them on Hyperterminal. But I am not able to receive the...

Hello, I am using RCM3100. I am able to send characters from Rabbit and view them on Hyperterminal. But I am not able to receive the characters sent from PC to Rabbit. The code I am using given below. #define BINBUFSIZE 15 #define BOUTBUFSIZE 15 #ifndef _232BAUD #define _232BAUD 115200 #endif serBopen(_232BAUD); serBwrFlush(); serBrdFlush(); for(;;) { costa...

No Board ID found

Started by khs2pe in Rabbit-Semi19 years ago 5 replies

Hi everybody I use a RCM3100 core module with Dynamic C 8.61. Suddenly I cannot communicate to my target again getting the following...

Hi everybody I use a RCM3100 core module with Dynamic C 8.61. Suddenly I cannot communicate to my target again getting the following warnings and errors: line 1 : WARNING ERROR : No parameters found for flash id received from pilot bios - using default parameters. line 33 : WARNING BOARDTYPES.LIB : No ID Block found on the target; defini

how to install dc9.62 on windows 7

Started by krishna in Rabbit-Semi12 years ago 5 replies

sir i am working with RCM3110 and rcm3100 kits my previous version of windows is winXP now i want to install dc9.62 in another system which...

sir i am working with RCM3110 and rcm3100 kits my previous version of windows is winXP now i want to install dc9.62 in another system which is working on windows 7 OS can i install or it will not work properly any other software to install with dc9.62 for USB target response kindly help regards krishnadvs ------------------------------------

ftp client or ppp over serial communication

Started by a s in Rabbit-Semi21 years ago 3 replies

I am working on a project which requires communication between client and server, I can use two methods  ftp client or  ppp over...

I am working on a project which requires communication between client and server, I can use two methods  ftp client or  ppp over serial communication; My question is when i have to send and recieve data via modem, what should be required to do, whther i transfer serial data by modem using PPP or by sockets. remebere i am using RCM3100 core.