Imagine Conference

Deferred Service Routines / Nested Interrupts Concept

Started by Amit Gupta in 68HC1218 years ago 3 replies

Hello everyone Queries :--- Query - 1 While executing an "Interrupt A" Interrupt Service Routine , the "Interrupt A" occurs again then...

Hello everyone Queries :--- Query - 1 While executing an "Interrupt A" Interrupt Service Routine , the "Interrupt A" occurs again then how should I handle the sitaution assuming that I dont want to miss any of the interrupts( even while execting ISR). Is it related to Deferred Service Routines ?? Query - 2 Nested Interrupts I mean if we have two interrupts :- Interrupt A(...

Interrupts in C

Started by Doegon in 68HC1215 years ago 4 replies

Hi guys i'm really struggling with setting up interrupts and using them in a program to read keys and display them on the seven segment display on...

Hi guys i'm really struggling with setting up interrupts and using them in a program to read keys and display them on the seven segment display on the dragon 12 card.please help,an example code will be much appreciated. Thanks ------------------------------------

CodeWarrior interrupts

Started by Norbert Gaier in 68HC1219 years ago 1 reply

Hello everyone, I have to write a paper about the way CodeWarrior compiler handles interrupts. Do you know some links to where I can find...

Hello everyone, I have to write a paper about the way CodeWarrior compiler handles interrupts. Do you know some links to where I can find some documentation about this? Thank you, Norbert --------------------------------- Yahoo! FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click.

Difference between S12 and S12X

Started by drew...@gmail.com in 68HC1215 years ago 2 replies

I have code written for a HCS12 Micro and was thinking about porting it over to a HCS12(X). It has interrupts, and it seems that the interrupts...

I have code written for a HCS12 Micro and was thinking about porting it over to a HCS12(X). It has interrupts, and it seems that the interrupts are handled differently. Is this true, or if the modules are the same between the 2 chips, will the code just port over and work the same. ------------------------------------


Started by Joseph in 68HC1221 years ago 3 replies

I'm having diffuculties differentiating between Interrupts and subroutines. I understand how to program an interrupt (more or less)...

I'm having diffuculties differentiating between Interrupts and subroutines. I understand how to program an interrupt (more or less) but I'm not quiet sure how to activate it. How can I use my interrupt once I've set it into the the vector table??? joe ---------

Setting up interrupts

Started by Leighton Rowe in 68HC1220 years ago 1 reply

Hey All, I basically just started learning to program the mc9s12 family (with Codewarrior). Luckily, I have an idea how to config...

Hey All, I basically just started learning to program the mc9s12 family (with Codewarrior). Luckily, I have an idea how to config the peripherals because I previously worked extensively with ARM7 mcus (like lpc2000). However I need a little help with setting up interrupts, as I'm not yet used to the 9s12 interrupt vector mapping system...it's ne

Interrupt driven MsCan bus

Started by Paul Johnson in 68HC1222 years ago 8 replies

Hi All, All of the examples I have seen using the CAN bus with the HC12 line uses simple polling. Is anyone aware of an example...

Hi All, All of the examples I have seen using the CAN bus with the HC12 line uses simple polling. Is anyone aware of an example using interrupts? Has anyone out there used interrupts themselves? On a related note, all of the examples use only one of the output registers

Real Time Interrupts

Started by coolguyclay in 68HC1221 years ago 4 replies

Hello. My group (school project) is using the ICC12 C compiler to run our controller. We are having a hard time getting the...

Hello. My group (school project) is using the ICC12 C compiler to run our controller. We are having a hard time getting the interrupts to work. Right now out movement is based on loops, but for more accurate movement and to incorporate sensor control to our robot, we think we ne

HC912 EEPROM Write/Erase vs Interrupts

Started by Killingsworth, Steve in 68HC1222 years ago 2 replies

I have been using a set of routines for over a year to read and write to the internal EEPROM memory of a 68HC912DG128A processor....

I have been using a set of routines for over a year to read and write to the internal EEPROM memory of a 68HC912DG128A processor. The routines have worked without incident. During the development phase of these routines I thought it necessary to disable interrupts before accessing t

Interrupts on Port H

Started by dedison07 in 68HC1214 years ago 4 replies

I'm having a problem having two interrupts on Port H, I want to use two dip switches to show two different messages on my LED but I don't know how...

I'm having a problem having two interrupts on Port H, I want to use two dip switches to show two different messages on my LED but I don't know how to configure it two where both messages show I only can get one message on both switches. Please help ------------------------------------

help with Interrupts Please!!

Started by prel...@gmail.com in 68HC1213 years ago 1 reply

Hi everyone I am using the the Dragon 12 Plus and the GNU compiler. I am having a major problem using interrupts to completing my project. For my...

Hi everyone I am using the the Dragon 12 Plus and the GNU compiler. I am having a major problem using interrupts to completing my project. For my project I am using a sensor to measure a distance and when the distance is under 30 ins it should activate a timer that would count to 10 (displayed on the seven segment) and stop but if the sensor measures under 30 ins again it should restart the count...

BDM headaches

Started by bertho_b in 68HC1222 years ago 3 replies

I am getting too old for these problems! I have lived through 68- 00,02,05,09,11 and now finally 12. I am just starting to...

I am getting too old for these problems! I have lived through 68- 00,02,05,09,11 and now finally 12. I am just starting to learn the HCS12 and have written a very simple program, no interrupts and in single page mode using the EVBPlus dragon development board. I

Serial Communication

Started by Jackie Johnson in 68HC1221 years ago 19 replies

Good afternoon...I was wondering if anyone has a program written for serial communication (SCI) using interrupts (would be using two...

Good afternoon...I was wondering if anyone has a program written for serial communication (SCI) using interrupts (would be using two controllers - one as a transmitter and one as a receiver)? Thanks, Jackie

Re: Programming Interrupts

Started by Doron Fael in 68HC1222 years ago 2 replies

>Hi, >I am having a Motorola HC12DG128 EVB and SDI cable. Using MCUEz as PC >interface. >I want to use PORTH key wakeup...

>Hi, >I am having a Motorola HC12DG128 EVB and SDI cable. Using MCUEz as PC >interface. >I want to use PORTH key wakeup interrupt. >I coded the following program segment and the linker parameter file listed >at the end of the message. > &

Interrupts on MC9S12C32

Started by Adnan in 68HC1220 years ago 1 reply

I have been trying to drive an encoder but my interrupt routine doesn't work. It goes into the ISR but then there is nothing. I...

I have been trying to drive an encoder but my interrupt routine doesn't work. It goes into the ISR but then there is nothing. I have written a simple program to make all the LEDS high on PORTB as soon as it goes into the interruot service routine and they should go low whe

Problems with ICC12-HC12-RTi-interrupts

Started by Stefan Brandt in 68HC1222 years ago 1 reply

hello! today i am first time here and hope someone will help me ;-) it is even the first tim using interrupthandlers, so i...

hello! today i am first time here and hope someone will help me ;-) it is even the first tim using interrupthandlers, so i am still unexperienced ;-( i tryed to edit a small program, which flashes a LED in defined cycles, but the ICC12 compiler does not translate

Modulus down counter

Started by William R. Elliot in 68HC1221 years ago 8 replies

Hello all. I am using the 9S12A256B part and setting up the modulus down counter to provide regular interrupts. The rate of the...

Hello all. I am using the 9S12A256B part and setting up the modulus down counter to provide regular interrupts. The rate of the interrupt seems to be off by a factor of 10 and I am not sure where the error is. Using the ECT_16B8C Block User Guide V01.02 as a reference here is how

Interrupt Vectors

Started by Paul Williams in 68HC1217 years ago 2 replies

Hi, I am have problems with a MC9S12DP512, I am using ICC12 and using TwinPeeks to load the programs. My question relates to the operation...

Hi, I am have problems with a MC9S12DP512, I am using ICC12 and using TwinPeeks to load the programs. My question relates to the operation of the timer interrupts. I can get TC7 working correctly. But if I try and use TC0 nothing appears to happen. I believe it has something to do with the redirected interrupt vectors. Mainly because of the redirect vector that works for TC7 is actuall...

S12DP256 and the ECT

Started by jb_tempe_jb in 68HC1221 years ago 3 replies

Hi, I'm attempting to write some code to use the modulus down counter for the DP256. No interrupts, simple gadfly loops looking...

Hi, I'm attempting to write some code to use the modulus down counter for the DP256. No interrupts, simple gadfly loops looking for the underflow flag. Oh, yeah, I'm using code warrior 3 and writing the program in C. My problem is that I can't write anythin

Ports and interupts overview

Started by Aaron Rosenberg in 68HC1219 years ago 8 replies

I have to write a report on the ports and interrupts of the 68HC12 microcontroller and I'm fairly new to it. The book I have does not have...

I have to write a report on the ports and interrupts of the 68HC12 microcontroller and I'm fairly new to it. The book I have does not have enough detail for this report and I have tried for hours to find the information on the internet but cannot come up with a search phrase that brings me to the one website that has all this information in great detail. I was wondering if any members of this

Imagine Conference