Imagine Conference

Problems in Using MSCAN

Started by forum_user77 in 68HC1217 years ago 5 replies

Hello, I am trying to work with the MSCAN-Module of the HCS12. I have CAN-Dongle for a PC and try to send a CAN Message from the PC to the...

Hello, I am trying to work with the MSCAN-Module of the HCS12. I have CAN-Dongle for a PC and try to send a CAN Message from the PC to the HCS12. I receive the message with the HCS12 and show the data at some LED's. But at the Computer I always get the Error-Message BUSHEAVY. Could you have a look at my code for the HCS12 and tell me what's wrong. Perhaps the baud rate is wrong. ...

emulator for hcs12

Started by jfrom90 in 68HC1221 years ago 3 replies

Hello, I am using HCS12 in my project and we are planning to buy an emulator. Is there good emulators for HCS12? Is Lauterbach...

Hello, I am using HCS12 in my project and we are planning to buy an emulator. Is there good emulators for HCS12? Is Lauterbach Trace 32 Fire a good one? Are there other choices? Regards Jan-Olov

PID Controller on HCS12 ??

Started by Andrew Leech in 68HC1221 years ago 6 replies

Has anyone implemeneted a PID controller on an HCS12 ? I've founf a Motorla application note that describes how to do one on...

Has anyone implemeneted a PID controller on an HCS12 ? I've founf a Motorla application note that describes how to do one on an HC11 with a built in maths co-processor, but nothing for the HCS12. I'm trying to control the pressure in a cylinder, that has a varying

Xgate versus HCS12

Started by same...@... in 68HC1219 years ago 4 replies

Does anyone have info about the advantages for Xgate versus HCS12? What is the core difference between HCS12 and HC12 series Warm...

Does anyone have info about the advantages for Xgate versus HCS12? What is the core difference between HCS12 and HC12 series Warm Regards, Sameer Deshmukh Solutions Developer-Embedded Systems TATA Technologies Ltd. Pune. +91 20 5613 3228 A Winning team beats with ONE HEART. *********************************************************************************************** ***** Email Di

Getting uCOS-II running on a HCS12

Started by Tobias Svensson in 68HC1221 years ago 1 reply

Hi, I?m trying to get uCOS-II running on a HCS12 from the IC68HC12-patch from www.ucos-ii.com. I?m having a problem with...

Hi, I?m trying to get uCOS-II running on a HCS12 from the IC68HC12-patch from www.ucos-ii.com. I?m having a problem with hcs12dp256.h and tick-interrupts. Does anyone know about these problems, or have a patch for HCS12? Grateful for all help. THX i

How to write new program in HCS12?

Started by lenux22 in 68HC1222 years ago 4 replies

Hello! I had a new question about Motorola HCS12. We had virgin chip without any evalution boards, programming units and other...

Hello! I had a new question about Motorola HCS12. We had virgin chip without any evalution boards, programming units and other devices. We suppose that we can make our's own programming device for HCS12. I think chip has bootrom, which contains code for loading flash by serial port (SCI). Where

HCS12 Loader/Debugger Linux

Started by "Jim...@googlemail.com [68HC12]" in 68HC129 years ago 12 replies

HELP!!! I have searched high and low, and to the darkest recesses of the internet and cannot for the life of me find a linux based loader for...

HELP!!! I have searched high and low, and to the darkest recesses of the internet and cannot for the life of me find a linux based loader for HCS12. I have been creating a linux based system to create, convert and load an assembly file into a HCS12 board, but I've come up with nothing for the loading part. I'm trying to load it through a BDM (P&E Multilink to be specific). If anyone...

HCS12 Core Users Guide

Started by joshcurtz in 68HC1220 years ago 6 replies

Hi All, I'm new to this group and new to the HC12/HCS12. I've been reading through the documentation I got from the freescale website...

Hi All, I'm new to this group and new to the HC12/HCS12. I've been reading through the documentation I got from the freescale website but I was wondering why it seems impossible to find the HCS12 Core Users Guide on their website. It is not located with all the other documentation and if I do a search it locates a version of the guide but I can't

CodeWarrior para HCS12 v3.1

Started by gonzalo Merida in 68HC1215 years ago 2 replies

Estimados:Apelo a su atenci=F3n para que=A0me ayuden a =A0conseguir el comp= ilador "CodeWarrior para HCS12 v3.1" sin limitaciones de tama=F1o de...

Estimados:Apelo a su atenci=F3n para que=A0me ayuden a =A0conseguir el comp= ilador "CodeWarrior para HCS12 v3.1" sin limitaciones de tama=F1o de c=F3di= go ni cantidad de archivos=A0(con archivo *.lic full) para fines did=E1ctic= os=A0, dado que necesito probar un micro de la linea HCS12 , entiendo que e= st=E1n disponibles las versiones superiores (v4.6 y v5.0) en freescale y ad= em=E1s se ...

compilers for HCs12

Started by djacoby6809 in 68HC1221 years ago 5 replies

Does anyone know wich is actually the best comiler asm /c and eventually c++ for HCs12 thanks Daniel ...

Does anyone know wich is actually the best comiler asm /c and eventually c++ for HCs12 thanks Daniel


Started by in 68HC1222 years ago 5 replies

Hi, i am using the HCS12 chip (MC9S12DP256) and I have to communicate through the RS-232 with PC. Be so kind and help me. I find...

Hi, i am using the HCS12 chip (MC9S12DP256) and I have to communicate through the RS-232 with PC. Be so kind and help me. I find any (C source) codes, which could get me started. Thanx, Martyn

HCS12, XCLKS = ? for External Square Wave clock?

Started by varneybob in 68HC1222 years ago 2 replies

I cannot determine what value to set XCLKS (0 or 1) on the HCS12 for use with an external square-wave clock source. The V2.13...

I cannot determine what value to set XCLKS (0 or 1) on the HCS12 for use with an external square-wave clock source. The V2.13 HCS12 Device User Guide, Section 2.3.13 states: If [XCLKS] is logic *low* the EXTAL pin is configured fro an external clock drive.

Antennas for HCS12

Started by teleko7 in 68HC1222 years ago 2 replies

Hi everybody. I?m interested in the development of a low speed wireless communication system between two HCS12-s. Does...

Hi everybody. I?m interested in the development of a low speed wireless communication system between two HCS12-s. Does somebody know any antenna(with or withouth associated electronics) for such a micro?? T.I.A Iban Barrutia

Schematic EVB with HCs12

Started by mich...@gmail.com in 68HC1216 years ago 3 replies

i'm anewbie.I like HCS12 but at VietNam no sale Kit. I want draw a board to test.help me for a schematic. If have schematic interface USB to...

i'm anewbie.I like HCS12 but at VietNam no sale Kit. I want draw a board to test.help me for a schematic. If have schematic interface USB to download program is good. ------------------------------------

How to make an HCS12 doorstop

Started by hashlock in 68HC1219 years ago 8 replies

Hi folks, Is it my understanding that if I erase an HCS12's FLASH, but not its EEPROM, and then reset the device before programming the...

Hi folks, Is it my understanding that if I erase an HCS12's FLASH, but not its EEPROM, and then reset the device before programming the security byte (0xFF0F) to 0xFE, that BDM will no longer work? Have I just created a doorstop to add to my collection? :) Hans

HCS12 elvaluation board

Started by andres in 68HC1221 years ago 5 replies

HI I need one evaluation board for a HCS12 or MC9S12A128B please where I can buy it? thanks to all ...

HI I need one evaluation board for a HCS12 or MC9S12A128B please where I can buy it? thanks to all

PWM ports on HCS12

Started by Naheed M K in 68HC1222 years ago 2 replies

Hi, Could I drive any motors directly using HCS12 output port pin with out any Drivers(H-bridge). If yes then could you please...

Hi, Could I drive any motors directly using HCS12 output port pin with out any Drivers(H-bridge). If yes then could you please give the partno of that motor preferably with rotary encoders. Thanks Naheed

HCS12 programmer.

Started by Pablo in 68HC1218 years ago 7 replies

Hello people, somebody knows about a free programmer for the HCs12 family? In old messages i didn't find information about free hardware...

Hello people, somebody knows about a free programmer for the HCs12 family? In old messages i didn't find information about free hardware programmers. Thank you very much, Pablo (Argentina, Buenos Aires)

HCS12 Books?

Started by mcu_guy in 68HC1222 years ago 1 reply

Greetings, Does anyone here know of any good books that teach the operation of the HCS12 (with example code in C)? Thanks...

Greetings, Does anyone here know of any good books that teach the operation of the HCS12 (with example code in C)? Thanks for your suggestions.

free C compiler for HCS12 ?

Started by Anh Quan Nguyen in 68HC1220 years ago 15 replies

Hi everyone, is there anyone know a free C compiler for HCS12 ? I am using S12Compact Kit. It take so long to program in Assembly...

Hi everyone, is there anyone know a free C compiler for HCS12 ? I am using S12Compact Kit. It take so long to program in Assembly language. Thankx in advance,

Imagine Conference