Forums Search for: D60A
Hiwave FPP files download?
inHi All, still regarding D60A programming with SDI: is it possible to get FPP files without downloading >70MB of Codewarrior? ...
Hi All, still regarding D60A programming with SDI: is it possible to get FPP files without downloading >70MB of Codewarrior? My CW eval version doesn't know the D60A. TIA, Oliver
Normal flag clearing not working when TFFCA is set (D60A)?
inHello All, using a timer output compare interrupt, I tried to reset the corresponding bit in TFLG1 by writing a '1' to it. ...
Hello All, using a timer output compare interrupt, I tried to reset the corresponding bit in TFLG1 by writing a '1' to it. This didn't seem to work - only the "fast clear" mechanism worked (writing TCx). Is this: - my error (wrong o
LM555 in Automotive application
inHi All, I want to add a 100Hz external reference clock to my HC12 hardware (D60A).I am planning to use SG555 or LM555 as a 100Hz...
Hi All, I want to add a 100Hz external reference clock to my HC12 hardware (D60A).I am planning to use SG555 or LM555 as a 100Hz square wave generator. Is there anybody using LM555 in automotive application? Is it advicable to use this chip in automotive environment