Imagine Conference

Hiwave FPP files download?

Started by Oliver Betz in 68HC1223 years ago 1 reply

Hi All, still regarding D60A programming with SDI: is it possible to get FPP files without downloading >70MB of Codewarrior? ...

Hi All, still regarding D60A programming with SDI: is it possible to get FPP files without downloading >70MB of Codewarrior? My CW eval version doesn't know the D60A. TIA, Oliver

Normal flag clearing not working when TFFCA is set (D60A)?

Started by Oliver Betz in 68HC1221 years ago 3 replies

Hello All, using a timer output compare interrupt, I tried to reset the corresponding bit in TFLG1 by writing a '1' to it. ...

Hello All, using a timer output compare interrupt, I tried to reset the corresponding bit in TFLG1 by writing a '1' to it. This didn't seem to work - only the "fast clear" mechanism worked (writing TCx). Is this: - my error (wrong o

LM555 in Automotive application

Started by K.P.Venu in 68HC1222 years ago 12 replies

Hi All, I want to add a 100Hz external reference clock to my HC12 hardware (D60A).I am planning to use SG555 or LM555 as a 100Hz...

Hi All, I want to add a 100Hz external reference clock to my HC12 hardware (D60A).I am planning to use SG555 or LM555 as a 100Hz square wave generator. Is there anybody using LM555 in automotive application? Is it advicable to use this chip in automotive environment

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